
Icon Figma Code Connected

Honeycomb’s icon library consists of a growing set of icons in both outline and solid variations. Each outline icon has a 1.5px stroke width, while the solid icons are all fill.

There are 2 fonts to import, located in ./dist/fonts, for both variations and they work the exact same way as all other font-based icon libraries. Simply add .hc-icon--solid (or just make the element bold!) to get the solid variation.

Using icons

You can create an icon in one of two ways, both of which use an <i> element. The first leverages the element’s ::before pseudo-element; the second requires the icon’s name inside the <i> and displays the corresponding glyph using its ligature.

Default class-based approach

Icons require an <i> element with the .hc-icon class and then the symbol’s class name, like .hc-icon--book. You can control the size, color, and style of icons with a standard set of classes in this same syntax.


<i class="hc-icon hc-icon--address-book"></i>
<i class="hc-icon hc-icon--adjustment">Adjustment</i>

Text inside the element is not recommended and will be hidden from view, but remains available for screen readers or as default/placeholder text in the event the stylesheet fails to load.

Ligature approach

You can alternatively display icons using the glyphs’ ligatures. Each icon in the font files has their name as a ligature; both dashes and underscores are supported in place of spaces. Use the class .hc-icon-glyph and include the icon’s name as the sole content inside the <i> element.

language chat-translate download_cloud

<i class="hc-icon-glyph">language</i>
<i class="hc-icon-glyph">chat-translate</i>
<i class="hc-icon-glyph">download_cloud</i>

Note that these icons are selectable and when copied the full name will be copied. Before the font is loaded, there may be a brief moment where the name is displayed in browser as well.

Color and size

Change the icon’s color and size with modifier classes. The default size is 24px, and you can resize them to 12, 16, 20, or 32. Available colors include success, danger, warning, info, the brand colors via .hc-is--brand and the body theme, and darkmode-ready contrast.

<div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-1 md:mr-12">
  <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--archive hc-icon--12"></i>
  <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--archive hc-icon--16"></i>
  <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--archive hc-icon--20"></i>
  <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--archive"></i>
  <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--archive hc-icon--32"></i>
<div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-1">
  <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--badge-check hc-icon--success"></i>
  <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--badge-check hc-icon--warning"></i>
  <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--badge-check hc-icon--info"></i>
  <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--badge-check hc-icon--danger"></i>
  <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--badge-check hc-is--brand"></i>
  <span class="bg-gray-900 dark:bg-white w-8 h-8 grid place-content-center rounded">
    <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--badge-check hc-icon--contrast"></i>

Solid variations

Create a solid version of any icon by making the element’s text bold, or using the utility class .hc-icon--solid. The solids are imported with a second font file and use the same font name, Honeycomb, just with a 700 weight.

<i class="hc-icon hc-icon--archive hc-icon--solid"></i>
<i class="hc-icon hc-icon--address-book font-bold"></i>

Icon reference

The following table lists all icons available in Honeycomb, with a brief use-case description.

Icon Class Use
accessibility Accessible settings or options
activity Feed, activity list, action
address-book Lists of contacts, contact details
adjustment Settings or preferences
align-center Format text to be centered
align-justify Format text to be justified
align-left Format text to be left aligned
align-right Format text to be right aligned
archive Closing or archiving objects
archive-restore Unarchive, restore from archive
area-chart Reports, graphs that use an area or line chart
arrow-down Directing the user downward
arrow-down-left Directing the user down and to the left
arrow-down-right Directing the user down and to the right
arrow-left Going back in time, directing the user to the left
arrow-right Going forward in time, directing the user to the right
arrow-up Directing the user upward
arrow-up-left Directing the user up and to the left
arrow-up-right Directing the user up and to the right
article Long-form document or content article
backpack Collections of items, school, students
badge-check Verified content or accounts
bar-chart Reports, graphs that use a bar or column chart
bell Notifications default state (no unread)
bell-active Notification alert state (>0 unread)
bell-off Alternative notification alert state
bin Trash, deleted items
bin-x Delete forever, empty trash
bolt Fast, automation, lightning, zap, instant
book Written resources, terms, library items
book-open Alternative to Book, resources, library
bookmark Saving an item
brain Mental health, knowledge
brand-attend Attend logo
brand-boost Boost logo
brand-classic Original SchoolStatus logo
brand-connect Connect logo
brand-forms Forms & Flows logo
brand-schoolstatus SchoolStatus logo
brand-sites Sites & Apps logo
briefcase Coaches, business, work, professional
brush Draw, paint, design
building Schools or organizations
bus School, bus, travel, public transit
cake Birthday, celebration, anniversary
calendar Events or calendars
calendar-add Creating an event
calendar-check Confirmed event, completed event
calendar-days Change to ‘day view’, many events upcoming
calendar-range Select a range of days, multi-day event, ‘week view’
captions Subtitles, closed captions, alternative receipt
category Categories, groupings, generic collections
chart Default chart or report
chat Chat message, create a chat
chat-bubble Generic chat symbol, indicates no history
chat-translate Translate chat text or transcript
check Success or completion
check-circle Alternative for success or completion
check-square Checkbox, more than one option is selectable
checks Messages or chats are read
chevron-down Group or select box expander
chevron-left Go back to the previous screen
chevron-right Proceed to a reduced list or view
chevron-up Group or select box retract
church Religion, church or other religious building
circle Large bullets, circle shape
clear-all Dismiss all notifications
clipboard Forms or form requests inbox
clipboard-check Form approvals
clipboard-paste Submitted or completed forms
clock Time, alert, reminder, or duration
close Close modal or cancel
close-circle Alternative close, cancel, delete
cloud Saved in the cloud, weather
cloud-check Cloud upload or download complete
cloud-rain Rainy day
code Source code, computer, terminal
coffee Early, work, teacher, Admiral Akbar
collapse Collapse a drawer or the left navigation
collection Library or other group of similar items
color-picker Choose a color
color-reset Reset color properties
columns Adjust columns to view, change to column view
component Item or part of a larger group
cookie Cookie policy, cookie acceptance
copy Default copy or clone item
credit-card Purchase, money, finance
crop Crop or adjust an image or video
cycle Item or activity repeats, coaching or evaluation cycles
dashboard Interface or report dashboards
database Data, databases, collections of information
direction Direction sign, movement
display Screen, desktop, kiosk
district School districts, large organizations
document Generic documents
document-copy Copying a file or document, duplication
document-text Text documents
dollar-sign-circle US money, purchase, finance
download Downloading a file or item
download-cloud Downloading a file or item from the cloud
drop Color, select a color
drop-half Invert colors
edit editing an object or document
emoji-disappointed Disappointment, regret, empathy
emoji-frown Sadness, unhappiness
emoji-meh Disregard, aloofness
emoji-plus Adding an emoji, reacting to something
emoji-smile Happiness, agreement, success, approval
erase Remove or delete content or settings
expand Open a drawer or panel
external-link Links that take the user outside the app
eye Indicator that content can be seen
eye-off Indicator that content is hidden or private
filter Filter a list, filter options
fingerprint Security check or security indicator, customization
fire Hot, trending, Smore
flask Experimental features, labs
folder Directory, tree, group of items
folder-minus Remove a directory
folder-plus Add or create a directory
format-bold Bold text
format-heading Heading text
format-italic Italicize text
format-leading Format line spacing/leading
format-strikethrough Apply or unapply strikethrough
format-subject Email or message subject, description, long text
format-text Format text properties
format-text-input Single line text entry
format-text-minus Decrease text size, remove a font
format-text-plus Increase text size, add a font
format-text-size Change the text size
format-textbox Create or edit a textbox
format-title Add, edit, or format a title
format-underline Apply or unapply underline
fullscreen Increase the view to fullscreen, enlarge
gas Health related
globe Language selection
google Google logo, Google SSO or connection
google-drive Insert or open Google Drive doc
graduation-cap Student or list of students
grid Dense data view or showing many items, Microsoft logo
grip Item is gripable or dragable
grip-horizontal Grip when movement is horizontal only
grip-vertical Grip when movement is vertical only
hand Cursor, pointer, hand, human
hand-peace Hand, thanks, thank-you, fun
hd Video is in high definition
heart Favorites or liking an item
height Adjust the item’s height
hexagon Background for achievement, hexagon shape
history Going back in time, previous versions
home Dashboard, home
home-lock Secure, security, password-protected dashboard
hourglass Pending, waiting, additional time
image Photo or image file
image-plus Add a photo or image file
images List or collection of photos
inbox Mail, list of messages, default view for messages
info-check-card Fact check, information card, details
info-circle Additional information or a notice
join-vertical Combine or join items (vertically)
keyboard Manually enter or type, keyboard enabled
language Localization, interface language settings or choices
legal Terms of service or terms and conditions
library Resources, library, collections
lightbulb New items, ideas
lightbulb-stars News, updates, fresh, alert, cool
link Web link
link-plus Add a new link
link-remove Deleting a web link
list Lists, items
list-numbered Lists that have numbered items
location Location services are relevant, location on a map
lock Logged in, authenticated, secure
lock-open Logged out, unauthenticated, insecure
log-in Authenticating, logging in to a service
log-out Logging out or exiting a service or session
mail Messages
mail-check Mark as read, sent message
mail-minus Delete message, unsubscribe
mail-open Alternative to messages, a read message
mail-plus Add a message, subscribe
map Location, placement
mask Boost masquerade function
maximize Expand, open, view full size, arrows outward
medal Badge, honor, military
megaphone Announcements or updates
menu Mobile menu buttons, justified text alignment
message Individual message
message-edit Edit message, rate review
message-picture MMS, media message
messages Discussion, conversation, multiple messages
microphone Audio, voice, enable or disable the microphone
mobile-device Smartphone, iPhone, Android device, mobile-friend
more Opens additional menu items
more-vertical Alternative to more
mouse External device, interaction requires a pointer
mute Mute microphone, turn off, silence
newspaper Newsletters
next-steps Checked list items, Next Steps activities
not-allowed Cursor for not-allowed, action is not permissible
notebook Note collections, Summative reports
os-mac For Apple Mac computers
page Document or page
paint-bucket Colors, change color, fill
palette Color palette, color choice, theme
paperclip File attachments
pause-circle Pause, suspend
pdfs Multiple PDF documents, image to pdf
pencil Editing or make changes
phone Phone call, phone message
phone-close Disconnected phone call, end call
pie-chart Reports that include pie charts, generic reports
pin Location on a map, pin an item’s location
play Play a video, run a workflow
play-circle Alternative to play
plug Integrations
plus Creating or add items
plus-circle Alternative to plus
pointer Indicates item it clickable
pointer-click Indicates click event or action
position-bottom Align to the bottom
position-center-horizontal Align horizontally centered
position-center-vertical Align vertically centered
position-left Align to the left
position-right Align to the right
position-top Align to the top
presentation Classrooms, presentations, meetings
presentation-user Co-present, teacher, chalkboard
preview View the item or file, open up a preview
printer Print a document or object
privacy-policy Privacy policies or other privacy terms
profile-card User profile, details about a person, contact information
puzzle Piece, component, plugin, fit
question-circle Problems, help information
radio-button Single option among choices
receipt Generating reports or other documents
record Turn on audio or video recording. Recording or listening.
redo Redo the last action, revert
refresh Refresh, reload
repeat Recurring revents, repeat an action
reply Reply, respond to a message or action
rocket Launch, release, actions
rss RSS feed
ruler Show dimensions, adjust the size of something
save Save changes or save a new item
school School building, classroom
scroll Attendance, roll call, lists
search Search
search-circle Alternative to search with a better solid look
send Send a message or communication
separate-vertical Separate items (vertically)
settings Settings or preferences
share Share an item with someone else
share-alt Alternative for share using Android’s network style
shield-cross Secure, protected
shield-insecure Insecure, public, broken, warning
shield-settings Administrator, admin section, management
shirt Casual or informal
shop Business, storefront, shopping
signal Network, connection, connectivity, mobile access
signature Document needs to be signed, alternative to draw
sort Column or group is sortable
sort-down Column or group is sorted DESC
sort-up Column or group is sorted ASC
space Spacebar, empty space, blank
spacing-horizontal Distribute evently horizontally
spacing-vertical Distribute evently vertically
sparkle Magic, automatic, enhance, feature, new, special
star Ratings, alternative to liking or favoriting an item
stats Statistics, report detailing stats
support Help, support
swap Exchange items
table Table grids, table data, large amounts of data
tag Labels, tags
target Progress reports, goal alternative
terminal API, developer access
ticket Support tickets
translate Translate to another language
tree Outdoor, wilderness, public, Christmas, winter
trend-up Activity, growth, improved performance
trophy Goals, awards
tv-play Video on demand, TV, movie, web video
undo Undo an action, alternative to going backward
upload-cloud Uploading a file or item to the cloud
user User, profile page, account page
user-circle User profile
user-crown Administrator, owner, or privileged user
user-group Large groups or teams
user-group-alt Alternative where more visual height is needed
user-plus Add a new user or append one to a list
user-remove Remove a user or remove from a list
users Small teams, multiple users
video Videos, video camera
vote Poll or vote in a poll
warning-circle Warnings or alerts, exclamation point
warning-triangle Alerts, notice, exclamation point
webcam Video call, webcam enabled
width Adjust the item’s width
wrench Build, develop, fix