Use the indicator component to show a number count, account status, or as a loading label positioned relative to the parent component.
Indicators work within badges, buttons, and other elements and can be used as a small element positioned absolutely relative to one of these to show a number count, account status (e.g., red for offline, green for online) and other useful information.
Default indicator
Semantic and product color indicators can be used anywhere you need to indicate a status or minmized label. These color classes apply to all of the various indicators listed here and always use the same class.
<span class="hc-indicator"></span> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--primary"></span> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--attend"></span> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--boost"></span> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--connect"></span> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--forms"></span> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--sites"></span> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--danger"></span> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--warning"></span> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--success"></span> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--info"></span>
Legend indicator
This option is similar to a simple indicator but adds a label. These can be used as chart legends or another type of label or category.
<span class="hc-indicator-legend"> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--primary"></span> Teachers </span> <span class="hc-indicator-legend"> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--success"></span> Coaches </span> <span class="hc-indicator-legend"> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--info"></span> Administrators </span> <span class="hc-indicator-legend"> <span class="hc-indicator hc-indicator--danger"></span> Staff </span>
Count indicator
Count indicators can be used to show a number count inside the indicator and position it relative to a button component. Use the position classes below to place it anywhere around a parent element.
Note that for product count and label indicators, the background color changes to the product’s tertiary/accent color.
<button type="button" class="hc-button hc-button--primary relative"> <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--mail"></i> Messages <span class="hc-indicator-count hc-indicator-count--border hc-indicator--danger hc-indicator--top-right">8</span> </button> <button type="button" class="hc-button hc-button--connect hc-button--primary relative"> <i class="hc-icon hc-icon--mail"></i> Messages <span class="hc-indicator-count hc-indicator-count--border hc-indicator--connect hc-indicator--top-right">8</span> </button>
Label indicator
Label indicators are like count indicators but can accept longer text labels instead of just a number. Use these when the text may be variable inside of the indicator and more than just 1 digit or character.
These are also great for “New!” or other similar statuses that require an indicator like this.
Freddie Spaghetti
<div class="hc-card"> <section class="hc-card-main"> <div class="hc-card-title"> <h5 class="hc-h5">Freddie Spaghetti</h5> </div> <span class="hc-card-sub">Wayne Elementary School</span> </section> <span class="hc-indicator-label hc-indicator-label--border hc-indicator--danger hc-indicator--top-right">New!</span> </div>
Status indicator
Display a status indicator on a user avatar or some other component to indicate online/offline or some other condition or activity status.
<div class="hc-relative"> <img src="" class="rounded-full w-12 h-12"> <span class="hc-indicator-status hc-indicator--success hc-indicator--top-right"> </div> <div class="hc-relative"> <img src="" class="rounded-full w-12 h-12"> <span class="hc-indicator-status hc-indicator--danger hc-indicator--bottom-right"> </div>
Indicator positions
Use convenience classes to position the indicators at 9 different spots.
<div class="relative w-96 h-56 bg-info-50 border border-info-200 rounded-lg my-4"> <span class="hc-indicator-label hc-indicator--top-left">top-left</span> <span class="hc-indicator-label hc-indicator--top-center">top-center</span> <span class="hc-indicator-label hc-indicator--top-right">top-right</span> <span class="hc-indicator-label hc-indicator--middle-left">middle-left</span> <span class="hc-indicator-label hc-indicator--middle-center">middle-center</span> <span class="hc-indicator-label hc-indicator--middle-right">middle-right</span> <span class="hc-indicator-label hc-indicator--bottom-left">bottom-left</span> <span class="hc-indicator-label hc-indicator--bottom-center">bottom-center</span> <span class="hc-indicator-label hc-indicator--bottom-right">bottom-right</span> </div>