Ratings are used to signify a value or status for a particular activity type.
Default rating
Create a default rating by adding the class .hc-rating to a <span> or any inline element. This will have primary text with a primary circle indicator, at the default 0.75rem round size.
Size and color modifiers
Extend a rating with indicator size and color modifiers based on the activity type and the rating level.
To add a type modifier, use classes in the format .hc-rating--{type}, like .hc-rating--goal or .hc-rating--form. Available types include: goal, form, summative, next-step, event, and cycle.
Rating levels use a fractional approach for the class names where the numerator is the rating level and the denominator is the number of levels within that rating’s scale. For instance, for a 2 rating on a scale with 4 levels, append .hc-rating--2/4.
Only the width and color of the rating indicator changes based on activity type and rating value. If you’d like to change the color of the label itself, simply add a text utility class like .hc-text-activity-form-500.
All available arrangements
Rating scales are supported for up to 7 levels for the above activity types.
Justified labels
To align the rating labels together for each rating subset, apply the class .hc-rating--justify to the rating itself. The spacing is based on the denominator, or number of levels you’re using. This is useful when ratings are in a table column and you want them to be visually aligned better.