

Find our complete color theme below, with class slugs. All UI elements, whether reusable components or custom code, use these foundational colors.

Class names follow the same Tailwind utility class format, with the .hc- prefix by default. For instance, to add an Emerald 400 background color use .hc-bg-emerald-400, or to set the text to be Peacock 500 use .hc-text-peacock-500.

Neutral Colors

Neutral colors are the foundational color palette used as defaults for all components and for backgrounds, text, borders, and layout.

White *-white
Black *-black
Void *-void
Gray *-gray-
50 #fafafa
100 #f5f5f5
200 #eef0f0
300 #e6e7e7
400 #d9dada
500 #c5c7c7
600 #a9abac
700 #898b8c
800 #65686a
850 #4c5056
900 #333539

Please see our more detailed table below (@todo) on general guidelines for the color weights.

Notably, 50 and 100 should be used for page and component background colors when offsetting against white is necessary. Use 500 for borders and button backgrounds, 600 for hover states, and 900 for neutral section headers or title text.

Brand Colors

Brand colors are the product-specific color palettes for our design system, including a few overall base colors used in marketing materials. You can always pair White, Grays, Charcoal, and Black with any of the product colors.

Base colors

Brand *-brand-
white #f3f4f5
charcoal #1e2425


Connect has a purple-based color palette. Use Indigo as the primary color, Aubergine as the dark accent, Lilac as the standard accent, and Lavendar as the contrast accent.

Lavender isn’t as wild as Lime so it can be used with a bit less consideration.

Indigo *-indigo-
50 #f5f2fd
100 #eee9fc
200 #d5caf7
300 #b9a6f2
400 #967aeb
500 #5e2ced
600 #451cbf
700 #3a18a0
800 #28106f
900 #1b0b4c
Aubergine *-aubergine-
50 #dbd8ff
100 #b4aff1
200 #8981e4
300 #6158ce
400 #4138af
500 #282185
600 #1d1676
700 #191368
800 #0d094a
900 #06042c
Lilac *-lilac-
300 #f9f3ff
400 #f0e4ff
500 #e2cbff
600 #b79bd9
Lavender *-lavender-
200 #dedae5
300 #c4b8ce
400 #bda6ee
500 #a57ef8


Boost has a blue-based color palette. Use Peacock as the primary color, Navy as the dark accent, Sky as the standard accent, and Cornflower as the contrast accent.

Peacock *-peacock-
50 #ecf4fd
100 #d5e6fb
200 #b4d4f8
300 #7fbbf4
400 #4696F0
500 #1561d2
600 #1c4fb2
700 #1e3f91
800 #1f377c
900 #1e3162
Navy *-navy-
50 #dbedff
100 #b3d7ff
200 #66b0ff
300 #1f8Bff
400 #0065d1
500 #004084
600 #00346b
700 #002752
800 #091d31
900 #09131e
Sky *-sky-
50 #fafeff
100 #f5fcff
200 #ebf9ff
300 #dbf5ff
400 #ccf1ff
500 c1edff
600 #85dcff
700 #2ec4ff
800 #00a4e6
900 #0079a8
Cornflower *-cornflower-
50 #f5faff
100 #ebf6ff
200 #d1eaff
300 #b8dfff
400 #99d1ff
500 76c1ff
600 #57b3ff
700 #3da8ff
800 #1495ff
900 #0081eb


Connect has a green-based color palette. Use Emerald as the primary color, Forest as the dark accent, Pea as the regular accent, and Lime as the contrast accent.

Please use Lime in moderation! It looks great for smaller things like status indicators or a secondary color in two-toned icons.

Emerald *-emerald-
50 #e9f8f7
100 #d1f6f2
200 #98d8d0
300 #57bcb0
400 #0ca895
500 #008575
600 #006559
700 #004b42
800 #00352f
900 #002C26
Forest *-forest-
50 #e5fcff
100 #cdf1f5
200 #9edde5
300 #8ebabd
400 #5b9296
500 #006064
600 #204e51
700 #123d43
800 #093237
900 #052a2f
Pea *-pea-
300 #f0ffe3
400 #e2ffcb
500 #c3e5a8
600 #a8c78f
Lime *-lime-
300 #edffd7
400 #d7ffa4
500 #c0f37f
600 #a3de59

Forms & Flows

Forms & Flows has a purple-based color palette. Use Berry as the primary color, with complentary colors on the way!

Berry *-berry-
50 #fff0fb
100 #ffe1f7
200 #ffbded
300 #ed8ad4
400 #d049a9
500 #ac017e
600 #9c0875
700 #700152
800 #51003c
900 #380029

Sites & Apps

Sites & Apps uses teal as the primary color and is a very slight variation on Connect. Use Teal as the primary color, and Pea and Sky as complementary colors.

Teal *-teal-
50 #ebfffe
100 #cdfffe
200 #a1fdff
300 (tbd)
400 (tbd)
500 #00AFC7
600 #088196
700 #10687a

Text Colors

Font colors are crafted for readability and accessibility. Primary is the default body text color; use this for inline instructional text, values in tables, and other focused or important content. Use Secondary text for subtext, second lines of text with contextual information, table headers, or meta data.

Primary text--primary
Secondary text--secondary

Semantic Colors

Semantic colors communicate purpose and convey messages. For example, green has a positive connotation and red has a negative connotation. We often use green to convey success and confirmation, and we use red to convey errors and destructive actions.

Success *-success-
50 #F0FDF1
100 #D9FFD8
200 #BBF7BD
300 #86EF90
400 #22C559
500 #18B14C
600 #11992F
700 #1C8313
800 #225E13
900 #0C4A6E
Info *-info-
50 #F0F9FF
100 #E0F2FE
200 #BAE6FD
300 #7DD3FC
400 #38BDF8
500 #0EA5E9
600 #0284C7
700 #0369A1
800 #075985
900 #0c4a6e
Warning *-warning-
100 #FFF2CF
200 #FFE9B1
300 #FCCA6A
400 #E4A443
500 #D9932A
600 #C67A09
700 #A96500
800 #895200
900 #643C00
Danger *-danger-
50 #FEF2F2
300 #FCA5A5
400 #F87179
500 #EF444E
600 #DC2631
700 #B91C25
800 #991B2A
900 #542A32