
Honeycomb components

Explore the complete list of 25 UI components in Honeycomb below.

Alert Static messages to users Avatar Thumbnail representations of users or groups Badge Status indicators and labels Button Form component for users to take an action Card Group and display content in an easily readable format Data input Text, select, textarea, checkbox, radio, file, and toggle inputs. Drawer Right-side drawer element for filters and additional controls Dropdown Open a context menu or other item with any element Favicon Favicon and touch icon in your document head Header Fixed application header for app-wide controls and user information Icon Icon font for symbols and brand logos Indicator Color and number indicators to show counts or status Loading Spinners and indicators to show that content is still loading Modal Dialog windows that take user focus to perform some complex interaction Navigation Fixed left navigation component for app-level navigation and controls Pagination Button group to navigate through result lists or table data Popup Semi-permanent dropdown element that requires intentional action or close Progress Display progress of a task or passage of time Rating Activity type ratings, statuses, or value indicators Stat Small statistic cards to show numbers or data in a box Step Show a list of steps in a process Tab Horizontal navigation element for displaying full pages or content sections Table Display lists of complex data in a tabular format, with controls and actions Toast Ephemeral system messages to show error or success results Tooltip Explanation text that appears in a small popup on hover